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Descortinar [communities]

Francisco Mangas, Maria Gil and Vicente Gil



History is always there, but its manuals are printed with absence, margin and, when mentioned, it’s only mediated. To integrate what is already part of it means that there is a lot of history to be told. But how and by whom? In the last Descortinar of this season, Francisco Mangas, Maria Gil and Vicente Gil follow the roads and winds of the fable of communities that, in their plurality, have yet to claim their legitimate voice. And watch out, if, in the meantime, a film about a big law firm run by Roma people comes out, you know where you heard it first.
The books on the table and other suggestions:
– “Filhos da estrada e do vento. Contos e fotografias de ciganos portugueses” by João Pavão Serra
– “Homo Sacer und ‘Die Zigeuner’: Antiziganismus – Überlegungen Zu Einer Wesentlichen und deshalb ‘Vergessenen’ Variante des Modernen Rassismus.” [“Homo Sacer and the gypsies: Considerations of an essential and thus ‘forgotten’ variety of modern racism.”] by Roswitha Scholz;
– “O povo cigano e o degredo: contriubuto povoadoar para o Brasil colônia” by Elisa Lopes da Costa
– “We are the Romani people/Ame sam e Rromane džene” by Ian Hancock

Note: The video has subtitles in Portuguese and English (CC).

© João Octávio Peixoto

© João Octávio Peixoto

© João Octávio Peixoto

© João Octávio Peixoto

© João Octávio Peixoto

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