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93rd Anniversary Rivoli

Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Muziektheater Transparant, d e t h e a t e r m a k e r




national premiere



Madrigals is a musical performance centered around the “zero point”. This primal point represents the fire around which early humans once gathered, the cosmic black hole where time and space vanish. In Madrigals, the performers merge into one another, dissolving differences in moments of self-transcendence. Madrigals takes you back to the source, moving against the current. The zero point symbolizes the fusion of classical and contemporary music into the heartbeat of a new world. It’s the shift from complex, multifaceted scenography to total emptiness on stage. Director Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe brings Monteverdi’s Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi to life with an utopian energy.





Scene photograph in color. Under a screen with the following projected text: “Sometimes my instincts no lie, it is my mother tongue, calling me back.”, a cave. In it, performers are drinking.

© Bart van Merode

Scene photograph in color. Green lights. A person, standing with arms outstretched, facing downwards. Their hands project beams of green light onto the floor.

© Fred Debrock

Scene photograph in color. Under a screen with the following projected text: “Go through. And I will help to get back in, if you fall out.”, performers move between the stage rigging.

© Bart van Merode

Scene photograph in color. A group of performers, naked, on the ground around a fire.

© Fred Debrock

Scene photograph in color. A group of naked performers dance around a bonfire. Next to them, a quartet plays.

© Bart van Merode

Info sobre horário e bilhetes







RivoliGrand Auditorium

Aditional info

  • Price 
    Free upon collection of a ticket, on the day of the session, from 10:00am, at the Rivoli ticket office and at BOL
  • Duration 
  • Age rating 
  • Additional information 
    Spoken in Italian with Portuguese and English subtitles

Acessibilidades do espetáculo

Accessible to wheelchair users
Strobe or intense lights

Author's bio text

Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe (1995) is a theatre/performance-maker, performer and director. He graduated from the performance art course at the Institute of Performative Arts in Maastricht and his graduation production The Ballet (2018) was created with ballet dancer Emiel Vandenberghe. In addition to this he appears as an autodidact counter-tenor in his own musical performances, which put in question the traditional pop concert. Madrigals premiered in early 2022. Here, Meirhaeghe worked Claudio Monteverdi's effervescent vocal works about war and love, Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi, into a cry for freedom fueled by militancy and passion, and mixed them with Jesse Kanda's experimental pop. In his working practice he studies archaic forms of opera and ballet and tries to give them a new interpretation in a contemporary context.

Ficha Técnica

  • Concept and direction
    Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe

    Doon Kanda (aka Jesse Kanda)

    Musical direction
    Wouter Deltour

    Wouter Deltour

    Dramaturgy and research
    Louise Van den Eede

    Scenography, lighting design
    Bart Van Merode / Zaza Dupont

    Artworks co-curator
    Koi Persyn

    Musical coaching
    Pieter Theuns (Baroque Orchestration X)

    Voice therapy
    Rosanne Groenendijk

    Body coaching
    Sophia Rodriquez

    Sophia Rodriquez

    Shibari coaching
    Marc Beshibari

    Hanako Hayakawa, Alice Giuliani, Els Mondelaers, Lucie Plasschaert, Khaled Barghouthi / Clément Corrillon / Victor Dumont, Antonio Fajardo

  • Musicians I Quartet
    Sara DeCorso / Blanca Prieto / Pieter Theuns (Baroque Orchestration X) / Wouter Deltour

    Filip Anthonissen

    Kasia Mielczarek

    Teaser and making off
    Charles Dhondt

    Cave photography
    Thibaut Lampe

    Visual artists
    Sanam Khatibi / Justin Fitzpatrick / Thomas Renwart / Anthony Ngoya / Gilles Dusong / Christiane Blattman / Daan Couzijn / Che Go Eun / Tom Hallet / Nokukhanya Langa / Tristan Bründler

    Pat Caers / Karel Marynissen / Danielle van Riel / Pieter-Jan Buelens / Bert Demeulenaere / Anne Van Es / Janneke Donkersloot / Kevin Deckers

    Intern (director assistant)
    Ika Schwander  

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