Medeia Filmes
XVII “A Justiça no Cinema” cycle
The Goldman Case
Cédric Kahn
November 1975. Beginning of the second trial of Pierre Goldman, French radical left activist. During his first trial, Goldman had been sentenced to life in prison for committing four armed robberies, resulting in two deaths. After declaring his innocence regarding this last accusation, the trial turns into a cause célèbre that reflects the political, ideological and racial tensions that marked the 1970s in Europe. Evasive and provocative, Goldman contributes to the media coverage around a case that divided the French state and fueled the polarization between the intellectual left and the conservative right.
Info sobre horário e bilhetes
Campo AlegreCine-Studio
Aditional info
- Price
1h55 -
Age rating
Acessibilidades do espetáculo
Accessible to wheelchair users
Author's bio text
Screening followed by conversation with:
Inês Petiz Viana (Archivist and Jurist at the Arquivo Nacional das Imagens em Movimento, Cinemateca em Movimento Department), Pedro Brito (Judge of Law), Paulo Silva (Jurist and Freelancer)
Moderated by: Rosário Barbosa (Public Prosecutor and President of the Porto Regional Directorate of the Union of Public Prosecutors)
Inês Petiz Viana (Archivist and Jurist at the Arquivo Nacional das Imagens em Movimento, Cinemateca em Movimento Department), Pedro Brito (Judge of Law), Paulo Silva (Jurist and Freelancer)
Moderated by: Rosário Barbosa (Public Prosecutor and President of the Porto Regional Directorate of the Union of Public Prosecutors)
Ficha Técnica
- The Goldman Case [Le Procès Goldman]
by Cédric Kahn
with Arieh Worthalter, Arthur Harari, Stéphan Guérin-Tillié, Nicolas Briançon
2023, France