Raquel S. / Noitarder
What do we write in stone? What marble books, what flower beds, what photomontages do we use to honour the people who died? What aesthetic decisions do we make? DESCANSAR [To Rest] is based on cemeteries: places of homage, for one thing, but also where one is able to read social, political, economic and gender differences, among others. A cemetery is a highly performing place: on the one hand, ritualistic; on the other hand, mundane (there are cat food bowls, brooms behind graves, public notices). It is also a threshold: the worlds of the living and of the dead coexist. There’s a symbolic, imaginary, religious and ghostly presence. And a slow, unstoppable movement: decay. A cemetery is a place of crossing and tension, and therefore imminently theatrical. — Raquel S.
Aditional info
- Price
- Age rating
Acessibilidades do espetáculo
Portuguese Sign Language interpretation
More limited access
Strobe or intense lights
Author's bio text
Raquel S. (Monção, 1986) is a playwright and directs performances out of Porto. In 2018, she founded Noitarder, with which she premiered Longe [Far] (2018), amor.demónio [love.demon], Ruído [Noise] and Cadernos de [Notebooks by]. She was selected for the École des Maîtres 2020, where she wrote Carne [Flesh], which was translated into two languages, presented in four countries and published in Portugal. She studied philosophy and literature. She started her journey at Porto University Theatre (TUP) and now works with several companies and artists. She writes non-theatrical texts, essays and short film scripts, among others. She teaches playwriting at ACE – School of Arts and is the local mentor of the Future Laboratory project.
Ficha Técnica
- Artistic direction and text
Raquel S.
Production director
Inês Maia (Pé de Cabra)
Performed and co-created by
Júlia Valente, Leonor Cabral
Set design and costumes
Pedro Azevedo
José Alberto Gomes
Tiago Silva
Video and image
Nuno Matos
Dramaturgy and movement support
Vera Santos
Head of Production
Inês Maia | Pé de Cabra
Production support
Jessica Duncalf
TUP - Teatro Universitário do Porto
- Costume making
Ana Fernandes, Delfina Oliveira e Rosa Almeida
A performance by
Noitarder – Associação Cultural
Co-produced by
O Espaço do Tempo creative grant, with the support of BPI and Fundação "la Caixa", and Teatro Municipal do Porto
ACAPO, ACE Escola de Artes and Teatro do Bolhão, Ana Carolina (who was attentive to the missing names), CRL - Central Elétrica, Dário Pais, Eduardo Brandão, Joana Mont' Alverne, Mafalda Banquart, Maria do Carmo e Francisca Costa, mala voadora, Marisa Catita, group members of Cemitérios Históricos de Portugal and Cemitério dos Prazeres – O Père Lachaise Português, Miguel C. Tavares, Palmilha Dentada, Rafaela Ferraz, Rute Pimenta, Sr. Joaquim and employees of Raquel Silva, Lda. Artigos Funerários, Steel Point