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LITHIUM FAUST: new work by Jonathan Uliel Saldanha

A performance/installation that will transform the stage of Teatro Campo Alegre's Auditorium into a big black box




Inspired by the scripts of satellites sent to Earth orbit, which do not do without the use of lithium — the “new blood” that feeds all these materials —, the musician and visual artist created a kind of vertical theater from earth to heaven. LITHIUM FAUST is a performance/installation that will transform the stage of Teatro Campo Alegre's Auditorium into a large black box, where the concept of land art is experienced by the public. This is Jonathan Uliel Saldanha's second project as Associate Artist of Teatro Municipal do Porto (TMP) for the seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. It presents itself as a large entropic machine, simulating a choreography for robots of light and sound experiments.

In this installation, which was developed specifically for Teatro Campo Alegre, the theater room starts to be thought of as a hangar, whose dynamics will allow us to establish a pact with the time of human presence. This new proposal is not only related in material terms to Mercúrio Vermelho  — a work he presented in Decemberof 2020, the result of work that the artist began to develop in Kampala, Uganda, and which intensified when he was unable to return to Portugal due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic — but also with the concept of vertical theater, explored in O POÇO, a project that debuted at the DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, in 2018.

This work can be seen, in premiere, on Friday, 18th, and Saturday, June 19th, between 19:30 and 22:00. The sessions for LITHIUM FAUST take place every 30 minutes: at 7:30 pm, 8:10 pm, 8:50 pm and 9:30 pm.
Tickets cost 9 euros and can be purchased at the physical ticket offices of Teatro Rivoli and Teatro Campo Alegre or here.

© José Caldeira / TMP

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