Teresa Coutinho
O Fim Foi Visto
Based on Christa Wolf’s Cassandra and extensive research around witch hunting, Teresa Coutinho wrote and created O Fim foi Visto [The End Has Been Seen]. Combining research and fiction, historical elements and reflections on future political outcomes, Teresa Coutinho fantasises about a future dictatorship in which women, accused of witchcraft, once again see their rights brutally restricted. With the aim of thinking about the dangerous growth of the extreme right across Europe, the idea is to create a fable about fear, passivity and the cyclical repetition of mechanisms of oppression on the part of power. — Agência 25
Aditional info
- Price
- Age rating
To be defined by CCE
- Additional information
Spoken in Portuguese
Acessibilidades do espetáculo
Accessible to wheelchair users
Author's bio text
Teresa Coutinho (1988) is an actress, creator and playwright. She participated in the École des Maîtres 2016, an edition directed by Christiane Jatahy. She was selected for the Theatre Makers 2023 residency in Paris, a partnership between the Irish Cultural Centre Paris, Camões Institute Paris, Abbey Theatre and D. Maria II National Theatre. She has worked as an actress with Christiane Jatahy, Tim Crouch, Catherine Marnas, Émilie Rousset, Rogério de Carvalho, Ricardo Neves-Neves, Raquel Castro and Nuno Cardoso, among others. As an assistant director, she has worked with Tiago Rodrigues, Gus Van Sant, Faustin Linyekula, Émilie Rousset and Beatriz Batarda, among others. She coordinates the Living Poets Club at the D. Maria II National Theatre and the Reading Club at Batalha Centro de Cinema.
Ficha Técnica
- Created and written by
Teresa Coutinho
Performed by
Tânia Alves, Ana Baptista, Sara de Castro, Rita Cruz, Maria Duarte, Mariana Guarda, Sara Ribeiro, Tanya Ruivo, Ana Sampaio e Maia, Cláudia Semedo, Lúcia Pires, Ana Valente, Siobhan Fernandes
Creation support
Leonor Buescu
Teresa Coutinho, Mariana Guarda
Lighting design
Daniel Worm d’Assumpção
Costumes design
Carlota Lagido
- Movement support
David Marques
Sound design
Teresa Coutinho
Executive producer
Lila Tiago
Maria João Bilro
Financial management and administration
Vítor Alves Brotas
Produced by
Agência 25
Co-produced by
Teatro do Bairro Alto, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras