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Cláudia Dias / Sete Anos [New date]

Sexta-feira: O fim do mundo... Ou então não





Sexta-feira [Friday] is the last of the working days of the Sete Anos Sete Peças [Seven Years Seven Pieces] series. This piece brings a smaller cycle within a greater cycle to an end. Next comes the weekend, Sábado [Saturday] and Domingo [Sunday]. The week is English. More or less: who will be able to count the number of working hours dedicated to this project? Imagining rest days has become a luxury. The value of work vanishes with the semblance of end times haunting the world. The idea of the world coming to an end threatens to cripple action and thought. Even worse, the idea of the end of history accelerates the race to decide who will be the last man standing, who gets in and who is left out of the boat of history. But history is still in motion, time is still moving forward, relentlessly.

Cláudia Dias (Lisboa, 1972) did her dance training at Academia Almadense, the Lisbon Dance Company and Forum Dança. She attended the master’s degree in scenic arts at the Nova University of Lisbon. She was a member of the Almada Dance Group and of the Ninho de Víboras collective. She worked with RE.AL, having played a key role in João Fiadeiro’s creative strategy and in the development, systemisation, and conveying of the real-time composition technique. She holds choreographic composition and real-time composition workshops on a regular basis. She created the pieces One Woman Show, Visita Guiada [Guided Tour], Das Coisas nascem Coisas [Out of Things, Things Are Born], Vontade de ter Vontade [Willingness to Will] and Nem tudo o que dizemos tem de ser feito nem tudo o que fazemos tem de ser ditto [Not Everything We Say Has to Be None nor Does Everything We Do Has to Be Said]. She is currently working on the project Sete Anos Sete Peças [Seven Years Seven Pieces].






© Alípio Padilha

Info sobre horário e bilhetes




Campo AlegreAuditorium


Aditional info

  • Price 9€
    Duration 50min
    Age rating 12+

Author's bio text

Ficha Técnica

  • Artistic direction and perfomance Cláudia Dias
    Text Cláudia Dias with the collaboration of Jorge Louraço Figueira, partially from the article "Capitalismo artístico: quando a arte e a cultura ocupam o centro" de João Teixeira Lopes
    Music and musical direction Vasco Vaz and Miguel Pedro
    Digital drawings António Jorge Gonçalves
    Technical direction and lighting design Nuno Borda de Água
    Video Bruno Canas
    Photography Alípio Padilha
    Translation Marta Prino Peres
    Technical and artistic assistance Karas
    Production on tour Pé de Cabra
    Co-production residency O Espaço do Tempo
    Support Companhia Olga Roriz, Pro.Dança Agradecimentos: Idoia Zabaleta, Anabela Ferreira e Helder Azinheirinha - Centro Juvenil de Montemor-o-Novo/Câmara Municipal de Montemor-o-Novo
    Co-production Teatro Municipal do Porto, Alkantara, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II  

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