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89º Anniversary Teatro Rivoli


PAR(S) – Artes Performativas e Imagem Online

Cláudia Varejão & Joana Castro

Ø island





The Ø island is composed of several landscapes within a single landscape. They are territories lived and shaped by interior and exterior time. There are no privatized territories on this island. They are landscapes that cannot be accommodated: they expand through encounters, clashes, pressures and frictions. Between silence and intimacy, new islands are sculpted, in a possible encounter between life and death.

In an increasingly digital and fast-moving world, there is a need to slow down and develop new presentation formats and, above all, new creation formats and working modes that will allow us to continue to consolidate artistic works, in the current reality. In a hybrid season between classroom and digital, the Teatro Municipal do Porto invites 8 artists for a special collaboration, designed specifically for online platforms, where a film director and a performing artist, in pairs, in an equal relationship , are invited to create a new digital object that crosses their universes and discourses. The moving image intersects with the areas of dance, contemporary circus, literature, theatre and animated forms, thus also allowing various audiences, even the most distant, to access these works.

CLÁUDIA VAREJÃO was born in Porto and studied at the Creativity and Artistic Creation Program of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in partnership with the German Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin and the São Paulo International Film Acadamy. She also studied Photography at AR.CO in Lisbon. Claúdia is the author of the short film trilogy Weekend, A Cold Day and Morning Light. Ama-san, a portrait of japanese divers, was her feature debut, receiving dozens of awards around the world, followed by In The Darkness of the Theater I Take Off My Shoes, a film that shows the intimacy of a group of dancers in a dance company. Amor Fati is her latest film scheduled to premiere in 2020 and in Wolf and Dog, in development, she will return to fiction. Cláudia's films have been selected by and awarded at the most pretigious film festivals, including Locarno, Rotterdam, Visions du Reel, Cinema du Reel, Karlovy Vary, Art of the Real - Lincoln Center, among many others. Besides her work as a filmmaker, she developed a career as a photographer and she’s a guest professor at AR.CO and Catholic University of Porto. Her work, whether in film or photography, documentary or fiction, lives from its proximity to those portrayed.

JOANA CASTRO (1988, Porto) desenvolve o seu trabalho entre a dança, a performance e o som, apresentando as suas obras em Portugal, França, Bélgica e Alemanha. Iniciou os seus estudos no curso de dança no Balleteatro Escola Profissional em 2003, frequentou o curso PEPCC (Programa de Estudo, Pesquisa e Criação Coreográfica) no Fórum Dança em 2008, foi bolseira do NEC em 2009, em 2013 participa no DanceWeb Scholarship Programme em Viena e em 2016/17 frequenta a pós-graduação de especialização em performance na Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto. No seu percurso enquanto performer colaborou com Né Barros, Victor Hugo Pontes, Ana Borralho e João Galante, Flávio Rodrigues, Joana Providência, Joclécio Azevedo, Juliana Snapper, Carlota Lagido, entre outras. Atualmente encontra-se em palco com o seu mais recente projeto RITE OF DECAY, em criação de “Darktraces”, performance a estrear no Festival DDDout em Abril de 2021, "and STILL we MOVE" em colaboração com Maurícia | Neves, a estrear na BoCA em Outubro de 2021, “MINA” de Carlota Lagido com estreia em Março de 2021 e “Danças precárias” de Bruno Alexandre com estreia em Abril de 2021. É artista associada do Visões Úteis.

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Ficha Técnica

  • Script and direction Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro
    With Elizabete Francisca, Renata Portas and Tita Maravilha
    Photography and movement Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro
    Sound Adriana Bolito
    Editing Cláudia Varejão and Joana Castro
    Sound mixing Elsa Ferreira
    Sound studio Loudness Filmes
    Commissioned by Teatro Municipal do Porto

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