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Mostra Estufa 2024

Felipe Contreras & Miguel Brás

Quem anda ao sol






Quem anda ao sol [Those who Walk in the Sun] is a multidisciplinary performance in which two physically identical jugglers double a narrative that explores such duality. A creation that looks for the challenges and consequences of each one’s hardships. A relationship based on the beauty of contradiction, on the harmony of disagreement, and on the peculiar unrest that arises when two seemingly similar beings reveal their one-of-a-kind souls. — Felipe Contreras & Miguel Brás




Colour photography in shades of pink and purple with a digital editing that gives it the texture of a canvas. Two performers, one juggling and the other holding onto his shoulder.

© DR

Info sobre horário e bilhetes







Campo Alegre

Aditional info

  • Price 
    7€ (joint ticket)
  • Duration 

  • Age rating 

Acessibilidades do espetáculo

No text

Author's bio text

Born in Santiago do Chile, Felipe Contreras is a many-sided circus artist who has been living in Portugal since 2018 and practicing juggling since he was 18. He travels the world, attending workshops and training courses on circus and performing arts. He started his artistic journey at the social circus school in Londrina, Brazil, and then joined INAC – National Institute of Circus Arts, specialising in clubs and juggling. He then attended the Philip Radice physical theatre school in Turin for a year, and he is currently pursuing the Advanced Training in Performance and Choreographic Creation at Instável – Choreographic Centre.

Miguel Brás is a multidisciplinary artist and creator who was born in Lisbon. His work focuses on blending contemporary circus, contemporary dance, physical theatre and music production. He started his artistic training in circus performance and animation at Chapitô, in Lisbon, and then joined INAC – National Institute of Circus Arts, where he focused on contemporary circus. He also attended the circus and performance art course at the Fontys school in Tilburg (The Netherlands) for a year. As far as music is concerned, he has a degree in electronic music production from ETIC – Technical School of Image and Communication, in Lisbon. With regard to dance, he completed the Advanced Training in Performance and Choreographic Creation at Instável – Choreographic Centre.

Ficha Técnica

  • Created and performed by
    Felipe Contreras, Miguel Brás

    Original music
    Miguel Brás

    Outside look
    Jorge Lix

  • Co-produced by
    Companhia Erva Daninha

    Residency support
    AgitLab, Companhia Erva Daninha, INAC – Instituto Nacional de Artes do Circo, Instável – Centro Coreográfico  

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